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Public Relations


PR meets PA: INSTICOM and Gibbels Public Affairs join forces

PR meets PA: INSTICOM and Gibbels Public Affairs join forces

PR meets PA: INSTICOM and Gibbels Public Affairs join forces   Brussels, 15 August 2019 - As of today, PA consultancy Gibbels Public Affairs (GPA) and…

patrick 15th August 2019
What would you #askalobbyist ?

What would you #askalobbyist ?

After answering the good old "what do you do" with "I am a lobbyist", at birthday parties in particular, I get asked the strangest questions sometimes, ranging…

patrick 22nd August 2018
Commission mulls overhaul of alcohol excise duties

Commission mulls overhaul of alcohol excise duties

On 1 March 2017, the European Commission released an Inception Impact Assessment for a proposal to revise the Directive on the harmonization of the structures…

patrick 27th September 2017